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Case Study: Navigating Needs & Wants as a First-Time Buyer

About the Client & Home

Our clients came to us by referral and worked with our trusted team member Marcia Martin. They were first-time buyers coming from a downtown rental looking to buy a home in West Toronto.

The Obstacle

Our clients were looking for a bigger home in either Mimico-New Toronto or a smaller home in High ParkBloor West Village but weren’t exactly sure where or what they wanted.

First-time buyers often have a difficult time identifying exactly where they want to live and what compromises they’re willing to make to live in their ideal location. In this case, our clients required an in-depth analyzation of their priorities, thorough neighbourhood tours, and an education on the trade-offs of living in each neighbourhood.

The Solution

We had many discussions–and visited many homes across West Toronto–to decide whether they wanted a bigger home in Mimico-New Toronto or a smaller home in High Park-Bloor West Village. We discussed all of the benefits of living in each neighbourhood and had a lot of serious discussions about priorities regarding their lifestyle.

Both neighbourhoods offered a reasonable commute to their downtown jobs, either via TTC or GO Train, so this demand was met in either area. However, coming from a downtown condo and having a low dependence on a car was a priority. The ability to retain a pedestrian lifestyle also emerged as something that they held as having a high importance in their new home.

After thoroughly investigating both neighbourhoods together–and exploring the nearby shops, parks and schools–they finally concluded that they preferred the lifestyle in the High Park neighbourhood and being able to maintain a pedestrian lifestyle.

The Outcome

Our clients found their home, a renovated 96-year-old semi-detached home with three bedrooms, in the High Park North community.

While this case was mostly a matter of identifying our clients’ priorities, we specialize in helping every one of our buyers through the process of understanding the trade-offs implicit in living in different neighbourhoods and deciding what’s most important to them. We provide thorough neighbourhood tours and are able to advise what areas meet different needs to ensure that our clients can find their ideal home.

When buying a home, work with someone you trust who is experienced, responsive, patient, and can provide you with a full picture of all your options. By working with a team who combines knowledge, expertise, and real service, our clients received great results!

Buy With An Educational Edge

Receive advice on a home’s true potential, neighbourhood tours from real locals, and guidance that’s customized to your specific needs.

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